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Monday, December 19, 2011

Cherub Tattoos

If you are searching for a cute tattoo idea, look no further because this picture gallery holds some of the cutest cherub tattoos around.

A little history tells us that cherubs are divine beings in the Bible, described by the prophet Ezekiel as a combination of living creatures, with each possessing four faces, including that of a lion, an ox, an eagle and a man, plus they are said to have hands of a man, the feet of a calf and four wings.

Despite this detailed description by the prophet Ezekiel, modern day cherubs are commonly depicted as small angel babies with wings and pudgy faces.

Enjoy this collection of cute modern day cherub angel tattoos.

Cherub Tattoos Cherub Tattoos Cherub Tattoos Cherub Tattoos

Most cherub tattoos are very pleasant and heavenly, however some mix elements of darkness.

Cherub Tattoos Cherub Tattoos Cherub Tattoos Cherub Tattoos

Cherub tattoos go hand in hand with other designs such as flowers, clouds and instruments.

Cherub Tattoos Cherub Tattoos Cherub Tattoos Cherub Tattoos

Some believe that cherubs are heavenly messengers meant to travel between this world and heaven. Plus these tattoos are often located on the back and hip area.
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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Cherry Tattoos

Cherry tattoos are considered to possess a sensual element, perhaps because of their sexy appearance or maybe even for their delicious sweet taste. No matter the reason, cherry tattoos are without a doubt one of the most attractive designs in the book.

Most commonly seen on women, popular locations for cherry tattoos include the hips, chest and even the neck area, for you fearless tattoo enthusiasts out there.

Have a look through this picture gallery and find a cool cherry tattoo that fits your style.
Cherry Tattoos Cherry Tattoos Cherry Tattoos Cherry Tattoos

It seems that cherry designs are also becoming quite popular among men as well as women.

Cherry Tattoos Cherry Tattoos Cherry Tattoos Cherry Tattoos

Most designs are rather small in size, however its not uncommon to see large cherry artwork.

Cherry Tattoos Cherry Tattoos Cherry Tattoos Cherry Tattoos

Its common to see cherry tattoos mixed with other cute and sexy objects, such as stars, flowers and bows among other things.
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Monday, December 12, 2011

Celtic Tattoos

Celtic tattoos represent the heritage of historic and diverse groups of tribal societies in Europe dating back to ancient times. And more modernly Celtic tattoos pay tribute to Ireland and Irish heritage in general.

Celtic tattoos come in a variety of different designs, some of the most popular designs include the shamrock, the Claddagh Ring which is also known as the Irish wedding band, the triple spiral or triskelion and of course the sacred and mysteriously beautiful knots which come in many different patterns.

Celtic Tattoos Celtic Tattoos Celtic Tattoos Celtic Tattoos

Celtic tattoos look great on almost any area of the body, such as the back and behind the ear.

Celtic Tattoos Celtic Tattoos Celtic Tattoos Celtic Tattoos

Black, green and red are perhaps the most common colors used within a Celtic tattoo.

Celtic Tattoos Celtic Tattoos Celtic Tattoos Celtic Tattoos

Other less common Celtic tattoos include the harp, leprechauns, the ancient book of kells and various animals.
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Cat Tattoos

Lets face it people, cats are pretty freaking awesome and really who wouldn't want to have their favorite furry kitty tattooed on them, forever?!?

There are so many choices when selecting cat tattoos, some people choose the cartoon route and get an animated style design often accompanied by other small objects like stars, hearts and maybe even a bird, while other folks rather have a tattoo of their very own cat or cats, which requires a very skilled tattoo artist and a high quality photo of your precious kitty cat.

Have a look through this picture gallery of very nice cat tattoos.

Some people like to have their cats personality incorporated into the tattoo design.

Traditional cat portrait tattoos are very common, just make sure you get the right end of Mr or Mrs kitty.

Getting a tattoo of the family cat can be a great thing, but
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Sunday, December 11, 2011

Butterfly Tattoos

Looking for a beautiful tattoo idea? Well look no further, because as you know, butterfly tattoos are some of the most beautifully pristine works of art known to man.

With so many species and colors of butterflies under the sun, the possibilities for a magnificently stunning and unique tattoo design is right around the corner. Perhaps the most difficult task is finding a superb tattoo artist to design your butterfly tattoo.

Butterfly Tattoos Butterfly Tattoos Butterfly Tattoos Butterfly Tattoos

Butterfly tattoos are almost always seen on women, however they are not exclusively for girls.

Butterfly Tattoos Butterfly Tattoos Butterfly Tattoos Butterfly Tattoos

Popular locations for butterfly tattoos are the back, foot and hip area.

Butterfly Tattoos Butterfly Tattoos Butterfly Tattoos Butterfly Tattoos

Some people like to combine butterfly wings with the face of there favorite animal, often seen in the feline variety such as a tiger
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